New Video 1-6-2022

We are very stoked to be releasing the official Turning Virtue video for ‘One In The Same’ on Thursday, January 6, 2022

Allow the wonderment of One In The Same to seep into you, then share it with others, and spread your kindness with the world!

The idea and process for this video began some time ago (actually in June of 2020) when I contacted Troll Toftenes and asked him if he would lend his expertise to this project. Troll had worked with one of my favorite bands Leprous doing their videos for ‘Alleviate’ and ‘Below’ so I was absolutely thrilled to have him onboard for ‘One In The Same’ 

Him and I never anticipated it taking this long and to be honest if it wasn’t for Troll’s amazing determination and his love for the song it would have never been completed. 

Troll had all sorts of stuff come his way in the last year and a half but chose to not walk away and we are so thankful for him.

So together we decided to just keep it simple and get the video done as its message is too important to not be heard. 

Help us create the ripple effect of positivity by sharing this song/video with everyone you know!

A few words from DPA about his lyrics:

Keep an open mind.

Use what knowledge and experience you’ve gained to be a better person, and be better to others.

Pay it forward with kindness, compassion, and decency.

I’ll be online with you guys for the Premier on 1-6-22 see you then!

With love, 

Davey K

